Traffic on Daws Lane continues to get worse. I walk down Daws Lane every weekday morning on my way to work and I can see for myself how busy the road is. It's also incredibly dangerous for parents and children of Etz Chaim school trying to cross over the road. There have been white Belisha Beacon Refuge crossing points for many years on the road but these crosssings don't offer the same level of protection for the pedestrian as a Zebra Crossing.
Clare Lister Zinkin, who is a parent at Etz Chaim as well as their librarian, has been spearheading the campaign to get a Zebra crossing on Daws Lane. John Gillett of the Mill Hill Neighbourhood Forum and I through the Mill Hill Residents Association have also been lobbying Barnet Council on this matter. Thankfully it seems our work has finally paid off.
Clare spotted this scene on Monday afternoon on Daws Lane. At last workmen acting for Barnet Council have started to construct the long awaited Zebra Crossing. All that is now needed is for proper School markings to be placed outside the school...
Let's hope the parents then observe the rules!